At Salt & Light we provide training to; carer homes, professionals, parents, schools, nurseries and other educational settings. Training can be a singular session or part of a package. Salt & Light offer training that is tailored to the individual setting or client group needs.

The type of training we offer ranges from some of the following:

  • Accredited i.e. ELKLAN.
  • Speech, language and communication delays.
  • Developmental norms in speech, language and communication.
  • Topic based i.e. attention and listening, Autism, complex needs.
  • Educational communication programmes i.e. ‘Wellcomm’.
  • Therapy approaches.
  • Person Centred planning.
  • Proactive preventative communication approaches.

For a friendly chat, send us a message or call onĀ 07305 718733. We’ll be happy to help.

Speech & Language Training Prices

For more information regarding training and costing please contact Salt & Light via telephone or email.


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