Terms & Conditions
Initial Assessment (with brief summary letter)
This session will last up to 90 minutes. It is important to determine whether or not your child would benefit from therapy, and what form intervention may take. It may involve formal and/or informal assessment, alongside observation, discussions or reading of reports from other professionals. A case history is also taken.
In certain circumstances, (e.g. complex cases), this session may last longer or further assessment sessions may be recommended (e.g. school visit). Additional hours spent are charged at £55 per hour. In some cases, where sufficient assessment outcomes are available from another therapist in either the NHS or Private Practice, a full assessment session may not be required. This decision is made at the therapist’s discretion.
A written report is available on request with an additional cost.
Standard Therapy Session
A therapy session normally lasts between 40-60 minutes, depending on the nature of the intervention and/or the child’s ability to attend to activities. Therapy sessions may include direct work with the child as well as time for discussions and feedback with parents/teaching staff. The fee charged also covers the therapist’s time spent prior to the session to plan and prepare resources and any necessary liaison.
In some exceptional circumstances, if therapy preparation requires longer than 30 minutes of the therapist’s time an additional charge will be added. This would always be discussed with parent/carers beforehand.
Parents are free to withdraw a child from therapy at any time, with a weeks’ notice. Equally, the therapist may recommend therapy be stopped if at any time it is considered that therapy is no longer being effective or is no longer appropriate. The therapist reserves the right to suspend therapy if at any time there is felt to be conflict of interest between work undertaken independently.
School/Nursery Visit
A school/nursery visit might be made with parental agreement and most typically involves an observation of your child in their educational setting alongside discussions with school staff. A typical school/nursery visit would last 60 minutes.
Written home/school therapy programme
If requested, the therapist will provide written documentation setting out both long term and short term targets for your child, alongside ideas for strategies and activities that you and/or educational staff can carry out in order to support them to achieve their therapy goals. These will be written post initial assessment, and may be updated as your child progresses. A written therapy programme is an additional cost of £40.
Other services/liaison
Attendance at meetings and multi-disciplinary discussions will be charged at the same hourly rate as standard therapy sessions. Attendance at meetings will be discussed and agreed with parents and others involved in advance.
Reports and therapy programmes will be sent to parents/carers for them to distribute as appropriate, unless agreed differently with the therapist.
Collaborative work with NHS Speech and Language Therapists is necessary to ensure that your child will benefit as much as possible from both sources of input.
Service offered charged at:
Initial assessment £75 (with brief summary letter)
Individual therapy session £55
Group therapy session £30
Target Programme £40
Communication Profile £45
Report £55 (starting price)
Alternate Augmentative Communication is charged at an hourly rate of £55
All costs are inclusive of travel expenses within a 5mile radius of NG5, Nottinghamshire. Additional miles will be charged at an additional fixed fee of 50p per mile.
Please note: fees are subject to change. Prior to any fee changes the therapist will inform a parent/carer a month in advance.
Payment to be made via cash or bank transfer at the end of a therapy/assessment session. A parent/carer may request an invoice. An invoice is agreed with the therapist.
Parental/Carer Involvement/Homework
During a therapy session it is expected that a parent will be present to observe the session so that therapy activities and homework activities can be continued throughout the week. It is expected that homework activities will be completed. This will ensure your child makes maximum progress with his/her speech and language development.
Cancellation Policy
If the client cancels an appointment up until 24 hours before the session, the session can be re-arranged at no cost.
If the client cancels an appointment on the day of the appointment, then the bill-payer will be invoiced for the full cost of the session, excluding any travel costs.
If the client does not attend an appointment without giving the therapist 24 hours prior notice, the bill-payer will be invoiced for the full cost of the session, excluding any travel costs.
If the therapist cancels an appointment due to unforeseen circumstances, the session can be re-arranged at a date and time which is convenient for the client and the therapist.
Confidentiality (see Privacy Policy for more information)
All personal information gathered during assessment and treatment sessions will remain confidential and secure unless:
* Your prior approval has been obtained to either provide a written report to another professional or agency (e.g. a GP) or discuss the material with another person (e.g. nursery practitioner)
* Information is subpoenaed by a court or there are child protection concerns
SaLT & Light, The Speech Therapy Company – Copyright 2019
Website designed by Jammin Media